
We offer a wide range of tailor made solutions to our clients in the following fields:

Returnable Packaging

Lead­ing com­pa­nies in a wide vari­ety of indus­tries across the globe imple­ment reusable pack­ag­ing for the eco­nomic, social and envi­ron­men­tal value that re-use pro­vides across the entire sup­ply chain. Reusable hand-held con­tain­ers, bulk con­tain­ers and other trans­port pack­ag­ing items are used for the effi­cient stor­age, han­dling and dis­tri­b­u­tion of prod­...

Adhesive Backed Products

Adhesive backed foam provides support to products or components and can withstand very broad temperature range, provides greater design flexibility, more efficient production and improved performance. With dwell time the adhesive bond continues to grow thereby conforming to surface irregularities. It is available in open-cell and closed cell foams.

Cushion Packaging

Cushion Packaging protects fragile products and components during shipment, handling and transport between same or different manufacturing facilities. Foam fabrication absorbs shock, provides insulation and prevents the products and components of various shapes and sizes when used as cushion. Whether packaging single or multiple...

Misc Products

•  Air Filter
•  Cut sheets
•  Educational Toys
•  Mouse Pads
•  Primary Cushion Packaging
•  Roofing Profiles
•  Soundproof-Felt
•  Swimming Pads